消災吉祥神咒 佛教徒 早晚課誦集 中十小咒之一 出自 佛説熾盛光大威德消災吉祥陀羅尼經,唐代不空三藏大師漢譯,由釋迦牟尼佛於淨居天上所説
The mantra for dispelling disasters and bringing auspiciousness is one
of the ten small mantras recited by Buddhists during their morning and
evening prayers. It originates from the Sutra of the Great Power of the
Buddha’s Discourse on the Extinguishing of Disasters and Auspiciousness,
translated into Chinese by the Tang Dynasty master Bukong, and spoken
by Gautama Buddha in the Pure Abode Heaven.
#消災吉祥神咒 #佛教徒 #佛教早晚課誦 #十小咒之一 #佛説熾盛光大威德消災吉祥陀羅尼經 #唐代 #不空三藏大師 #漢譯 #釋迦牟尼佛 #淨居天 #Mantra for dispelling disasters and auspiciousness #Gautama Buddha #Buddhists #Compilation of Buddhist morning and evening prayers #One of the Ten Small Mantras #Sutra of the Great Power of the Buddha’s Discourse on the Extinguishing of Disasters and Auspiciousness #Tang Dynasty #Master Bukong #Translated into Chinese during the Han Dynasty #Residing in the Pure Abode Heaven #消災 #吉祥
#如意輪觀音陀羅尼 #如意寶輪王陀羅尼 #大蓮華峰金剛秘密如意輪咒 #觀自在菩薩如意心陀羅尼 #佛教 #如意輪觀音真言 #Avalokiteshvara #如意輪觀音 #觀音 #觀世音 #陀羅尼 #觀世音菩薩 #Mantra of the Wish-Fulfilling Wheel Guanyin #Mantra of the Wish-Fulfilling Jewel Wheel King #Secret Mantra of the Great Lotus Peak Vajra, Wish-Fulfilling Wheel Mantra #Mantra of the Wish-Fulfilling Mind of Avalokiteshvara Bodhisattva #Buddhism #Mantra of the Wish-Fulfilling Wheel Guanyin #Guanyin #Avalokiteshvara Bodhisattva
頌缽靈療這7多分鐘的頌缽音聲是由上師慈悲親自敲響錄製 末法人心已偏離了常規 恣意妄為甚多 亂象百出 (就如ai生成的佛造像 亂七八糟 為了蹭流量) 人學壞的速度和生滅一樣快速 讓我們一起找回心安的地方
The 7-minute singing bowl therapy sound in this session was recorded by
the compassionate guru himself. In these degenerate times, people’s
minds have deviated from the norm, indulging in reckless behavior, and
chaos abounds (much like the chaotic Buddha statues generated by AI, all
for the sake of gaining traffic). The speed at which people learn bad
habits is as rapid as birth and death. Let us together find a place of
peace for our hearts.
#靈療 #頌缽靈療 #頌缽音 #頌缽聲 #敲響 #末法 #人心已偏離了常規 #恣意妄為 # 亂象百出 #ai生成的佛造像亂七八糟 #人學壞的速度和生滅一樣快 #讓我們一起找回心安的地方 #Singing Bowl Therapy #Singing Bowl Sound #Singing Bowl Tone #Striking #Dharma Ending Age #People’s Hearts Have Deviated from the Norm #Reckless and Wanton #Chaos Abounds #Chaotic Buddha Statues Generated by AI #The Speed at Which People Learn Bad Habits Is as Rapid as Birth and Death #Let Us Together Find a Place of Peace for Our Hearts #spiritual healing
#七佛滅罪真言 #佛教 #消除業障 #真言 #大方等陀羅尼經 #佛門 #十小咒之一 #咒的功用 #消滅罪障 #平安吉祥 #事事順利 #造福後世 #Seven Buddhas’ mantra for eliminating sins #Buddhism #Elimination of karmic obstacles #Great Compassion Dharani Sutra #Buddhist teachings #One of the Ten Small Mantras #The function of mantras #Eliminating sin barriers #Peace and auspiciousness #Smoothness in all matters #Benefiting future generations #七佛
四面佛咒語,大梵天王心咒,四面神咒,四面佛,四面神,大梵天王,四面佛心咒,四面神心咒,梵天,Four-Faced Buddha Mantra,Great Brahma King Heart Mantra,Four-Faced Deity Mantra,Four-Faced Buddha,Four-Faced Deity,Great Brahma King,Four-Faced Buddha Heart Mantra,Four-Faced,Deity Heart Mantra,Brahma King
#四面佛咒語 #大梵天王心咒 #四面神咒 #四面佛 #四面神 #大梵天王 #四面佛心咒 #四面神心咒 #梵天 #Four-Faced Buddha Mantra #Great Brahma King Heart Mantra #Four-Faced Deity Mantra #Four-Faced Buddha #Four-Faced Deity #Great Brahma King #Four-Faced Buddha Heart Mantra #Four-Faced #Deity Heart Mantra #Brahma King